What is DAC7?

On January 1, 2023, the EU directive DAC7 came into effect. It requires digital platform operators (marketplaces) to report information about some users' sales to the tax authorities. You can read more about it at SKAT's website.

Report to the Tax Authority

As a consequence of the EU directive DAC7, marketplaces like Reshopper are required to report sales of a certain volume to the tax authorities.

The information must enable the European tax authorities to identify the users of the platforms and to gain insight into the amounts that users earn through the platforms.

If you have made at least 30 transactions or have total sales of more than 2000 EUR during a calendar year, it must be reported.

In order for us to send the correct information to SKAT, you need to verify your profile with MitID, and provide your full name, CPR number, and address.

If we do not receive this information from you, we are required to stop payments to your account.

Do I have to pay tax on sales on Reshopper?

No, not as long as you are just reselling your and your family's own used items and doing it for a lower price than you paid for them.

You may be required to pay tax if you resell items for the sole purpose of making a profit, and the items have therefore not been for private use.

You can read more about this on SKATs website.

I have questions

If you have questions about the actual reporting, you can contact us at support@reshopper.com or from within the app under you -> support. Specific tax questions should be directed to SKAT.