If your package is delayed, we are probably already investigating why - you therefore do not need to contact us or the shipping company, we are working on it 🙂
Nobody likes delayed packages - but to ensure the most efficient process, let Reshopper handle all contact regarding a delayed package.
Reshopper automatically contacts the shipping company, and if you do the same, they spend double time on the same task, which in turn just delays their work.
The package does not move from the delivery location
When a package is handed in either in a parcel shop or a parcel box, Reshopper is already monitoring. If the package does not move from here within 4 days, we will automatically contact the shipping company (they will not look into it before).
The companies have slightly different response times, and not always as fast as you would like - but be patient, the process is underway.
The package has been collected, but is en route for a long time
When a package has been picked up from the delivery point, the next phase in Reshoppers monitoring starts - if the package is again too slow and has not been received by you within 4 days, we automatically send a new message to the shipping company (we have a direct contact, outside of normal customer service ).
If it is too long en route, or disappears
In that case, the buyer is reimbursed for the full expenses for both goods and shipping. The seller is of course not reimbursed, as the seller has received his payment from the deal.