Shared basket

A shared basket is a unique function, which allows different users to buy something together. It could be your partner, friend, neighbor, a member of your family, or from a parent's group.


  • If you buy using Reshopper Shipping, you can split the shipping costs.
  • Instead of both of you picking up your purchased items, you can choose to have them sent to just one of you, and then meet up to share the items purchased.
  • The seller will be able to sell more at the same time.

How does it work for the organizer?

If you invite one or more to add their items to your basket, they can't see the other items in your basket - just the items, where both of you have chosen items from the same seller. In this way, you will have a shared overview of what you are buying from the same seller.

It is also the organizer, that has to make the offer to the seller, and thereby go through with the purchase and receive the package if it is shipped. You will have to arrange the cash settlements between yourselves.

Via the basket and the "shared basket"-button (on the top left corner of the basket), you can remove other users' access to add items to your basket.

How does it work when invited to a shared basket?

Have you been invited to put your items in another's basket, then the organizer won't be able to see the items in your basket.

You put an item in the organizer's basket by finding an item and pressing the button that says "Add to basket" - then you choose which basket, the item should be added to.

You can remove your access to add items to the organizer's basket yourself by going into your basket and then the shared basket.


When the organizer has made an offer to the seller, that you're buying from together, it is only the organizer, who will be able to see the offer.