
How rating works

As a seller or buyer, you can at any given time rate the other part - even if no deal has been made. In this way, you can indicate that there is room for communication improvements, that agreements were not followed through, or something else.

Once you have rated the counterparty, it will be this rating you edit in the future. This means, that you do not give a new rating, but edit the one you already made. In this way, you can continuously adjust your perception of the counterparty.

The purpose

The purpose of "Rate" is to enhance your Reshopper experience. If a user predominantly receives negative reviews, then the Reshopper support team will address the problem and try to resolve it through dialogue or ultimately, ask the user not to use Reshopper.

Not public

Each individual rating is anonymous and can not be seen by the receiver. Only the average, when a user has been given 5 or more ratings, can be seen.


With the introduction of "Rate", the "Report user" feature is removed. Instead, you can add a note to your review - unless there is a need for it, this will not be answered by Reshopper support.

If you suspect fraud/misuse by another user, you can always contact us at support@reshopper.com.