Reporting items or sellers

Although we daily do random checks in the app, we unfortunately do not have the opportunity to check all new items or sellers. Therefore, it may happen that items are placed incorrectly, ads for other services are created, or a seller tries to trick their buyer and so on.

Report an item

If you discover a single item that is incorrectly placed, then you can report the item. If a specific item is reported by several users, it is automatically removed. The seller is informed of this immediately (without being informed about who reported it) and can object to us and we will then decide whether or not the item is suitable for Reshopper.

Report seller

If you experience a seller trying to circumvent the guidelines for Reshopper, then it may be a better solution to report their shop. Open the seller's shop, click on "Report shop", and write a short message as to why you think we should look into it. All reports are, of course, anonymous and will be checked by our team.

Stolen goods

If you suspect that you may have come across a seller distributing stolen goods, please contact us through "Report shop" and if relevant also the police. Our guidelines for what is allowed to sell on Reshopper can be found here.