My item has been deactivated
Each day more than 10,000 items are created on Reshopper and, unfortunately, we do not have the resources to review all items manually. Therefore we have given the users of Reshopper the ability to report items.
When a number of users report a single item, it is automatically deactivated. If this happens, the seller will receive an e-mail in which it is possible to object to the deactivation. Reshopper will then decide if the item should be reactivated.
Here is a list of typical reasons for deactivation:
The item is from Temu
It is not allowed to resell items bought on Temu - read why here.
The item has been created incorrectly
Your item may be deactivated if you have posted it in the wrong category or age group. It may also be that the age group is too broad, for example, from 0-14 years. It is therefore a good idea to be very specific when creating the item, as it provides a better experience for everyone.
It's an advertisement
It is not allowed to use the ads as advertising in the app. This applies to advertisements for your own shop, resale of goods, flea markets in the area, or other activities.
It's a rip-off / counterfeit item
It is illegal to sell counterfeit goods in Denmark, and therefore it is not allowed to sell them in the Reshopper app either.
You resell new items
We can all make a wrong purchase and, of course, you can sell these items on Reshopper. However, it is not allowed to resell new items that you have purchased cheaply online or at stock sales for the purpose of making a profit.
It is a non-permitted item
Animals, over-the-counter medicine, and open food packages are not allowed to be sold on Reshopper. This is largely due to legislation in these areas.
The item is set up for rental
It is not allowed to use Reshopper as a platform for rental. Reshopper is intended for selling and buying used children's items, and ads for renting items will disturb the feed.