5 tips for selling faster

  1. Good pictures help to sell
  2. Sell these things to increase your chances of a sale
  3. Credibility creates security
  4. Attract attention
  5. Choose the right price

1. Good pictures

Sales happen faster and with fewer questions if you take good pictures of the item.

  • Light, light, light! Daylight is great for pictures. Find a place near a window, where you can use the floor or a wall as a plain background.
  • Neutral background! Take your pictures using a light background, so that the colors are clear.

2. Sell these things to increase your chances of a sale

You often sell the things, that there is a big demand for, faster. Generally, we see, that these items are popular in different seasons:

Autumn/winter items

  • Snowsuits
  • Winter jackets
  • Winter boots

Spring/summer items

  • Dresses
  • Pants and shorts
  • Slippers

3. Credibility

Add a profile picture of yourself, so that buyers can see who they are doing business with.

  • Write an honest and adequate description of your item. Always inform of potential flaws or imperfections.
  • Answer fast and be kind. This creates a safe vibe and can be decisive in getting your item sold.
  • If the item needs shipping, use Reshopper Shipping. It is easy and simple for both parts, and it creates safety and security for the payment and potential compensation.
  • Write a description of your shop. For example, whether you wash your clothes using fragrance-free detergent, information about what items or brands you often sell, etc. It can help in getting other users to follow your shop and increase your sales.

4. Attract attention

You can attract more attention to your items by promoting them. You promote your items directly from your shop or in the item's ad by using credits.

  • Boost: Push your item to the top of the feed with new items.
  • Highlight: Get a tag for your item, that makes the item stand out from other items. The text on the tag can e.g. be "Bid", "Urgent", or "New".
  • Poke: Sends a message to all the users, who have commented or added your item to their favorites, notifying them that the item is still for sale.

5. The right price

You sell your item faster if your price is right.

  • Use the price suggestions, you are shown in the app, when you create an ad for an item.
  • Look around in the app for similar items from the same or other brands, so you get a notion of what the price range for the item could be.
  • Look at the prices in your local area. There can be differences in prices from city to city or region to region.